Welcome to WordPress

wordpress_icon_fancy_128What is WordPress?

WordPress started as blogging software, a tool to allow people to quickly and simply update an online diary. Over time it’s developed into a very powerful Content Management System or CMS.

Why do Seja Design recommend WordPress?

When using any system for the first time there is always a learning curve but one of the biggest advantages of using WordPress as a CMS is it’s roots as journal software means that it is a lot easier to learn than more traditional open sourced CMS’s.

If you’ve used word processors such as MS Word and attached images to web email such as Yahoo, Hotmail or gmail, then you already know enough to get started.

Who uses WordPress?

It’s almost getting to the point where the question should be “Who doesn’t use WordPress?”
WordPress powered sites are growing exponentially but most recent figures is that it powers nearly 19% of all sites [source]. You can also find many examples in the WordPress showcase

Where  do I start?

Our hosting service Presshost will install WordPress for you at no charge, or you can do the installation yourself using our Softaculous Instant Installer. It only takes two minutes!

Once installed you can use one of the default templates that come with WordPress, download one from the Template repository or get us to build one that’s specifically designed to your requirements.


The tutorials on this site are based on our framework. Some elements or features may not exist in a standard WordPress install

Part 1 – The Three Things you need to know to manage your WordPress site

Part 2 – Next steps

  • Image Galleries
  • Content Layouts
  • Shortcodes
  • Plugins and Widgets

Part 3 –  Plugins

  • Contact Form
  • Slidedeck
  • Newsletter
  • eCommerce
  • Wordfence

Part 4 – Advanced Settings