Category Archives: Hints and Tips

Two more really useful shortcode hacks

We’re going to look at a simple way to add Facebook “like” buttons and embed YouTube videos into content, both of which use iframes and in both cases I’ve used the defaults but support for variations is included in the … Continue reading

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Cool use for secondary sidebar widget

I’m really liking some of the features in WordPress 3. As someone who writes WordPress templates for clients to use as a CMS, this version has gone a long way to make it even easier. Because most of my WordPress … Continue reading

Posted in Hints and Tips, Technical | Tagged | 1 Comment

Comment Spam in image posts

When you create a gallery page, WordPress automatically creates a separate page for each image. If you’re using the lightbox plugin you do not see this page but that doesn’t mean it’s not accessible. A trick by spammers is to … Continue reading

Posted in Hints and Tips | 1 Comment